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Nếu bạn đang tìm kiếm Download WordPress Crypto Watcher – Realtime Cryptocurrency Free download Nulled Crack thì chúng tôi chính là sự lựa chọn đáng tin cậy của bạn. Bởi vì chúng tôi khuyên bạn đừng nghĩ đến việc tải free bản WordPress Crypto Watcher – Realtime Cryptocurrency nulled hay crack vì khả năng cao là chúng sẽ chứa mã độc gây nguy hại cho bạn. Hiện chúng tôi đang bán WordPress Crypto Watcher – Realtime Cryptocurrency giá rất rẻ lại được update hoàn toàn chính hãng, giá chỉ từ 50000 giá quá rẻ so với việc 1 ngày nào đó công việc của bạn bị ngưng trệ do dính mã độc, chi phí và thời gian khắc phục sự cố lớn gấp hàng chục lần giá tiền mua là chỉ có 50000
Bạn có thể click link này để xem bản demo chính thức nhé >> Demo WordPress Crypto Watcher – Realtime Cryptocurrency
WordPress Crypto Watcher – Realtime Cryptocurrency Prices, Charts with Multiple Currencies
About the plugin:
WordPress Crypto Watcher allows embedding multiple cryptocurrency types, coins, analysis, charts variation and other related information on your WordPress driven site. Through, this plugin you can get the real-time value of the cryptocurrency according to market to your web and list down table form according to your choice which will display the market watch.
You can convert all coin types to the supported currency type according to which your country favors i.e. USD, Euro, INR,Australian dollar and many others.
- Encourages the users to get connected with every market trend from one place.
- Initiates to keep tap with news updates simultaneously.
- Customizable table view according to admin.
- International language initiator for better engagement.
Display the value of the set coins according to real-time: This plugin will help you to display the value of the set coins on the basis of real time. This will help the client to see the displayed value and its rate according to the international market and the change.
Easy access to display all coins through a single table: Through a single table display, the user can able to get a clear report on coins. Here, you will get coin types like- Bitcoins, Ethereum, Litecoin, Digital cash, Menero and many others. It is the discretion of the administrator that through which coin, he wants to display the market trend.
Viable to change the timeframe of the information: It is the discretion of the user to select an adequate time-frame of the information which he wants to see. This means that the user can select about how late he wants to see the market trend along with the coin and currency market watch (last week/last month)
Displaying charts and graphical analysis: This would help to display the overview and the workability of the desire coin and currency through charts/graph analysis. It would help the user to understand clearly.
Customizable enabling/disabling sections: It is the discretion of the admin to enable and disable section at any point in time.
Admin is authorized for writing custom CSS: As the admin has the authority to manage the dashboard accordingly, he has the power to enable and customize content on custom CSS.
User-friendly design: WordPress Crypto Watcher comes enabled with user-friendly designs for table formations. One can easily customize and choose any sort of table form for a proper display of the market trend.
➤ Lưu ý: Đây là plugin bản quyền, sạch, bản mới nhất và được get trực tiếp từ nhà cung cấp. Nếu nhà cung cấp ra phiên bản mới mà Vua Theme chưa kịp update thì bạn hãy chat hoặc liên hệ ngay với Vua Theme để được hỗ trợ update nhé.
“Hãy tự bảo vệ mình bằng cách sử dụng theme / plugin chính hãng nguyên bản, nói KHÔNG với theme null“
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